Linggo, Oktubre 9, 2011

Earth.. Do You Have Some Friends?

Well Here I am Again. Today my blog is all about the planets in the solar system. As what we have known there are 9 planets in the solar system but as what scientist say. There are only 8 planets in the solar system and the 8 planets in the solar system are the Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Now I am going to explain each planet 1 by 1.
As you travel outward from the Sun, Mercury is the closest planet. It orbits the Sun at an average distance of 58 million km. Mercury is airless, and so without any significant atmosphere to hold in the heat, it has dramatic temperature differences. The side that faces the Sun experiences temperatures as high as 420 ºC, and then the side in shadow goes down to -173 ºC. Mercury is also the smallest planet in the Solar System, measuring just 4879 km across at its equator.
Mercury has only been visited two times by spacecraft. The first was Mariner 10, back in the mid 1970s. It wasn’t until 2008 that another spacecraft from Earth made a close flyby of Mercury, taking new images of its surface.
Venus is the second planet in the Solar System, and it’s an almost virtual twin of Earth in terms of size and mass. Venus orbits at an average distance of 108 million km, and completes an orbit around the Sun every 224 days. Apart from the size, though, Venus is very different from Earth. It has an extremely thick atmosphere made almost entirely of carbon dioxide that cloaks the planet and helps heat it up to 460 °C. If you could stand on the surface of Venus, you would experience 92 times the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere, with incredibly high temperatures, and poisonous clouds of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid rain.
Several spacecraft have visited Venus, and a few landers have actually made it down to the surface to send back images of its hellish landscape. Even though there were made of metal, these landers only survived a few hours at best.
Earth is our home; the third planet from the Sun. It orbits the Sun at an average distance of 150 million km. Earth is the only planet in the Solar System known to support life. This is because our atmosphere keeps the planet warm from the vacuum of space, but it’s not so thick that we have a runaway greenhouse effect. The Earth has a solid core of iron surrounded by a liquid outer core that generates a magnetic field that also helps protect life on Earth from the radiation of space.
No planet in the Solar System has been studied as well as Earth, both on the ground and from space. Thousands of spacecraft have been launched to study the planet, measuring its atmosphere, land masses, vegetation, water, and human impact.
Earth has only a single moon… the Moon.
The 4th planet from the Sun is Mars, the second smallest planet in the Solar System. It orbits the Sun at an distance of 228 million km. You might think Mars is large, but it’s a tiny world, with about half the diameter of Earth, and just 1/10th the Mass. If you could stand on the surface of Mars, you’d experience about 1/3rd Earth’s gravity. Mars has almost no atmosphere to help trap heat from the Sun, and so temperatures can plunge below -140 °C in the Martian winter. Even at the height of summer, temperatures can get up to 20 °C in the day – just barely shirt sleeve weather.
Mars has been heavily studied by spacecraft. There are rovers and landers on the surface, and orbiters flying overhead. It’s probably the likeliest place to search for life in the Solar System.
Mars has two tiny asteroid-sized moons: Phobos and Deimos.
Mighty Jupiter is the biggest planet in our Solar System. It’s so large, in fact, that it has 2.5 times the mass of all the rest of the planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter orbits from the Sun at an average distance of 779 million km. Its diameter at the equator is 142,984 km across; you could fit 11 Earths side by side and still have a little room. Jupiter is almost entirely made up of hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of other elements.
Jupiter has been visited by several spacecraft, including NASA’s Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft; Cassini and New Horizons arrived more recently. Only the Galileo spacecraft has ever gone into orbit around Jupiter, and it was crashed into the planet in 2003 to prevent it from contaminating one of Jupiter’s icy moons.
Jupiter has the most moons in the Solar System – it has 63 moons at last count.
Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun, and the 2nd largest planet in the Solar System. It orbits the Sun at an average distance of 1.4 billion km. Saturn measures 120,000 km across; only a little less than Jupiter. But Saturn has much less mass, and do it has a low density. In fact, if you had a pool large enough, Saturn would float!
Of course, the most amazing feature of Saturn is its rings. These are made of particles of ice ranging in size from a grains of sand to the size of a car. Some scientists think the rings are only a few hundred million years old, while others think they could be as old as the Solar System itself.
Saturn has been visited by spacecraft 4 times: Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and 2 were just flybys, but Cassini has actually gone into orbit around Saturn and has captured thousands of images of the planet and its moons.
And speaking of moons, Saturn has a total of 60 moons discovered (so far).
Next comes Uranus, the 7th planet from the Sun. It orbits the Sun at an average distance of 2.9 billion km. Uranus measures 51,000 km across, and is the 3rd largest planet in the Solar System. While all of the planets are tilted on their axes, Uranus is tilted over almost on its side. It has an axial tilt of 98°. Uranus was the first planet to be discovered with a telescope; it was first recognized as a planet in 1781 by William Herschel.
Only one spacecraft, Voyager 2, has ever visited Uranus up close. It passed by the planet in 1986, and captured the first close images.
Uranus has 27 known moons.
Neptune is the 8th and final planet in the Solar System, orbiting at an average distance of 4.5 billion km from the Sun. It’s the 4th largest planet, measuring about 49,000 km across. It might not be as big as Jupiter, but it’s still 3.8 times larger than Earth – you could fit 57 Earths inside Neptune. Neptune is the second planet discovered in modern times. It was discovered at the same time by both Urbain Le Verrier and John Couch Adams.
Neptune has only ever been visited by one spacecraft, Voyager 2, which made a fly by in August, 1989.
Neptune has 13 known moons.
And those are the planets in the Solar System. Unfortunately, Pluto isn’t a planet any more. Well that's it for now. God Bless! =)

Universe.. Where Did You Came From?

The topic for my today's blog is all about the origin of the universe. As what I know there are 6 theories of how the universe came to existence. My 1st theory that I want to explain is the Steady State Theory. The Steady State theory (also known as the Infinite Universe theory or continuous creation) is a model developed in 1948 by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, Hermann Bondi and others. In steady state views, new matter is continuously created as the universe expands. The theory requires that new matter must be continuously created (mostly as hydrogen) to keep the average density of matter equal over time. The amount required is low and not directly detectable: roughly one solar mass of baryons  per cubic megaparsec  per year or roughly one hydrogen atom per cubic meter per billion years, with roughly five times as much dark matter. Such a creation rate, however, would cause observable effects on cosmological scales.The 2nd theory  is the Big Crunch Theory. The Big Crunch Theory is made possible by Big Bang cosmology, which states that all matter in the universe is now racing away from all other matter. If there is enough matter in the universe to create a gravitational force sufficient to bring this movement to a halt and to reverse its direction, then at some point in the remote future all matter in the universe will converge into an infinitely dense point in space, resembling a massive black hole. The end of the universe would then resemble its beginning—a singularity at which the laws of physics as we know them no longer apply. Such a universe is called a closed universe. The 3rd theory is the Chaotic Inflation Universe. Chaotic Inflation, proposed by physicist Andrei Linde, models our universe as one of many that grew as part of a multiverse owing to a vacuum that had not decayed to its ground state. In this theory, the peaks in the evolution of a scalar field (determining the energy of the vacuum) correspond to regions of rapid inflation which dominate, creating "bubble universes", making the structure of space fractal on the very largest scales, likely at scales larger than the observable universe. The 4th theory is Big Bounce Theory. The Big Bounce Theory combines the big bang and big crunch theories to create a vision of an endless, cyclical cosmos in which the universe repeatedly expands from a singularity only to eventually collapse back in on itself -- before doing it all over again. In other words, a big bounce universe would continuously expand and contract. the 5th is the Cyclic Universe Theory. The cyclic theory of the universe is a radical alternative to the standard big bang/inflationary scenario that offers a new approach for resolving the homogeneity, isotropy and flatness problems and generating a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of fluctuations. The 6th Theory is The Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory is the prevailing cosmological model of the early development of the universe. The major premise of the Big Bang theory is that the universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state that expanded rapidly (a "Big Bang"). This rapid expansion caused the young universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. According to recent measurements, scientific evidence and observations, the original state happened around 13.7 billion years ago which can be referred to as the time that the Big Bang occurred. As for now this is what I can say. God Bless!